Mittwoch, 4. September 2013

0005 ~ Fur Free Walk

Hello everyone~

This time I'm going to tell you about the Fur Free Walk in Tokyo!

Although I haven't been vegetarian for all my life, I always hated people wearing real fur!
When I was a kid no one liked it.
We had that one shop in our town that sold heavy fur-coats and it's displays were covered with red colour more than once.

Over the last two years there was this development, speaking for Germany, that fur seemed to become socially accepted again.
Last winter so many stores sold jackets with fur trim, boots with fur trim and hats with fur trim.

Whenever I saw one of these people wearing fur, an inner anger rose inside me.
I even printed flyers and handed them out to young teenage girls or left them behind in trains, showing them what the animal had to go through before ending up on their clothes.

I also changed seats or volunteerly stood up in a train, when a person wearing fur would sit down next to me.
"I rather not sit down, than sitting next to one wearing real fur!"
Whenever I said this out loudly, the person wearing fur looked either ashamed or angry, but everyone else around nodded and I got a lot of positive feedback.
I'm not the type of person throwing colour bombs or spitting at people. I think with those little, peaceful actions it's a lot easier to achieve something.

in Japan real fur is something that doesn't bother nearly as many people as in Germany...


I was surprised myself when I found out about the fur free walk a few month back!

This video is from the walk 2008, but it happens yearly!

This year's walk in Tokyo is on October 27 and they also invite foreigners to take part!

They organize walks in other major cities as well, so please check their site! : )

Here is the link to their English page for the walk 2013

If you are in Tokyo at this time and are planning to go, let me know!!


2 Kommentare:

  1. Ich finde es echt mutig und gut, dass du dich für das Thema so einsetzt. Ich selbst würde auch niemals echtes Fell tragen und finde auch, dass niemand das tun sollte, auch wenn ich jetzt kein Vegetarier bin. Ich erkenne allerdings auch nicht was Kunstfell und was Echtfell ist, sonst würde ich sicher auch nicht jemandem sitzen bleiben, der sowas trägt.

    1. Oh das ist gar nicht so schwer! :)
      Jeder, der mal einen Hund oder eine Katze hatte, weiß, wie ein Fell so aussieht.
      Es gibt die Unterwolle und das Deckfell.
      Beim Kunstfell gibt es das allerdings nicht.

      Beim Kunstfell gibt es auch keine feinen Haare, die bei Luftzug flattern.

      In diesem Video sieht man das ganz gut:

      Gerade in Düsseldorf liefen sehr viele Menschen mit echtem Fell herum und glaub mir, nach einem Herbst und Winter dort, kannst du den Unterschied schon von 10m Entfernung erkennen.

      Ich sage eigentlich auch nur was, wenn ich mir sicher bin und habe mich noch nie vertan :)
      Falls das doch mal passieren würde und mir die Person dann glaubhaft versichern kann, dass sie doch Kunstfell trägt, würde ich mich natürlich direkt entschuldigen.
