~About me~


I'm Rina, some people might now me as Shizuka as well.
I was born and raised in Germany, studied in the Netherlands and soon I'll be living in Japan for one year!

Just let me tell you one thing right away:
All entries are just based on my personal experiences. I'm not Google or Wikipedia (and even those can't give you 100% guarantee that their results are true).
I'm totally open to hear your experiences and thoughts on anything I publish here!  : )

☆  Languages I speak include: German, English, Dutch and (until now only a little bit of) Japanese.

★Since the early 2000s I am listening to Visual Kei (although I might not like that anymore) and I still love that kind of music!
My favourite bands include: Dir en Grey, Kaya, Versailles, D, Jupiter, Plastic Tree, SID, D'espairs Ray, Chemical Pictures and Mix Speaker's Inc. .... oh and I like Koda Kuma haha.
Pretty mixed up huh?

☆The things I loved to do in Japan were: Walking around, going to concerts, Karaoke, Gaming Center, Shopping and of course meeting lots of friends!

★Since mid 2011 I'm a strict vegetarian. I don't know how that happened but I never was a big fan of meat and as a child I always felt sorry for the animals on my plate.
I'm still not vegan, but constantly cutting out on animal products : )
However, I know that Japanese people tend to define Vegetarian as.. "No meat chunks in the food", but don't care about Gelatine or anything that once lived in the ocean.
Therefore I mentally prepared myself on having food topped with Bonito or soupstock with chickenbrooth already.

☆ If you have any questions about me, feel free to ask, but don't always expect an answer! ☆

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo :)
    Ich bin zwar keine Vegetarierin, aber ich esse kein Fisch und keine Meeresfrüchte, deshalb kann ich ein bisschen nachvollziehen, was du durchmachst. Ich habe mich auch schon darauf eingestellt, dass ich Fischsud und was auch immer in meinem Essen haben werde...

    1. Zum Glück bin ich auf nichts allergisch und verzichte 'nur' aus moralischen Gründen auf Tierisches.
      Ich werd einfach versuchen es zu vermeiden wo es geht und sicher wie in Deutschland auch immer mehr dazu lernen, welches Essen 'safe' ist und was ich lieber nicht essen werde. :)
